The art of doing more with less…


As someone that loves Christmas it’s tricky to think about next year when all I really want to do is watch Home Alone on repeat, drink mulled wine and eat chocolate! However, before all that begins in the next couple of weeks I wanted to share my thoughts on how any business can do more with less in 2018.

  1. Take a look at what you’re doing and ask yourself – could i do this quicker?
  2. Take a look at your systems and ask yourself – am I getting the most out of them?
  3. Take a look at your reporting and ask yourself – does it give me what I need to make the right decisions?
  4. Take a look at your team and ask yourself – do they have all they need to be successful?

Now is the time to be asking yourself all of the above and more, to be ready to make considered changes that set you up for success in 2018. Taking time out to really look at your processes, systems, reporting & people for most will feel impossible but it’s vital to step back and look for ways to improve, no matter how big or small. As the old adage goes – If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!

My job is to ask these questions of sales organisations and work with them to find the answers. Providing a holistic review of the sales process, reporting, systems and teams to find ways of saving time, money and making the most of valuable resources.

A new year is the perfect time to start being more effective and find ways to do more with less! If I can be of help in any way feel free to get in touch.